Welcome to this 2 Full days Course of Spiritual Hypnosis and NLP,  during which you will learn how to use the full potential of your mind and Soul in the Healing Arts and in Personal Transformation, using the most effective and used tools in those disciplines as well as transpersonal psychology and other modalities

Based on over 40 years of experience

In personal transformation and various forms of Healing Arts, this course will provide you with all the necessary knowledge to fully understand hypnotic phenomena and how to apply them to improve your personal and professional life.

The gentle, non-directive approach of Ericksonian hypnosis

Combined with lots of hands-on practice of neuro-linguistic-programming (NLP) techniques, will provide you with the practical tools to safely, effectively, and immediately be able to apply this knowledge in your everyday life and human interactions, be it as a teacher, healer, therapist, coach, counselor, or simply as a friend or family member.

Spiritual Hypnosis & NLP (3 Levels, each lasting of one week-end)


🧑‍🎓🏅Students who succesfully complete the course are granted a Spiritual Hypnosis and NLP Course attendance Certificate, issued by the Harmonic Circle Institute, in collaboration with the Lama Yulu Yoga Center, and signed by the course’s teacher, Anaconda Papaya.


📆 Courses will be held yearly in Lebanon, and after attending  level 1, students can participate for free to further editions of the course to review its contents and  techniques. 


🟢 Students are granted permanent free access to the “Spiritual Hypnosis & NLP Community” on Telegram, in which they can receive new contents and resources for their Spiritual Hypnosis & NLP education and practice, share their personal experiences and success stories, and also ask questions and receive answers about their personal research and growth as spiritual hypnologists.




Level 1: Fundamentals of Spiritual Hypnosis & NLP (1st week-end)


– What are hypnosis and NLP

– Benefits of hypnosis & NLP in daily life and interactions

– Hypnology vs hypnotherapy

– History of hypnosis, from Frank Mesmer to Milton Erickson

– Milton Erickson and Ericksonian, or “indirect” hypnosis

– R. Bandler, J. Grinder and the birth of NLP

– Why “Spiritual” hypnosis & NLP

– Transpersonal Psychology

– C.Jung, R.Assaggioli, S.Grof, A.Maslow, K.Wilber

– G.I. Gurdjieff, hypnosis and awakening from spiritual sleep

– Ethical principles in using hypnosis & NLP

– The map is not the territory (bubble of perception)

– Representational systems, observation & utilisation

– Calibration and Rapport

– Art of pacing & leading

– Milton model of hypnotic language

– Sensory submodalites and utilization

– Hypnotic Induction: basic principles & approaches

– Advanced multisensory hypnotic induction techniques

– Evoking previous and natural trance states

– Levels of hypnosis and deepening techniques

– Outcome and goal definition

– Basic utilizations of the trance state

– Advanced and creative utilisations

– In-trance ideomotor signals utilisation

– Hypno-analysis

– Anchoring techniques

– Parts Negotiation & Refraiming techniques

– Therapeutic Metaphors

– Post-hypnotic suggestions

– Awakening techniques

– Paranormal phenomena (ESP) and hypnosis

– Conducting a person’s first hypnotic induction

– Information gathering and goal setting

– Managing resistance

– What really matters, in spiritual hypnosis

– Hypnosis as a “self healing” ritual

– Self hypnosis: techniques and possible uses

– How to continue developing your hypnotic skills

– Recommended readings


Since he was 12 years old, Anaconda has been engaging in various types of meditation. Since then, he has developed an interest in esoteric traditions, yoga, and psychology. From the age of 18 to 26, he lived as a monk in various ashrams where he studied and practiced yoga. He then dove into studying the mind and its capacities, using hypnosis and NLP to access the lesser-known facets of our personalities. He continued his education with Transpersonal Psychology, and individual and global Spiritual Healing, to become a spiritual healer.

We don’t “believe” in magic, rather we foster your ability to manifest it.

Upon registration to the course we will send you the link of two books to read.


 Level 1:  Saturday the 16th and 17th of Sept. from 9 am to 21 pm

Where: Lama Yulu Yoga Studio 


Course Prices

Spiritual Hypnosis & NLP

Early Bird

Special Discount

$400/Full Course

Full Workshop
Food and Drinks Inculded
Access to Personal Growth Network


After September 1

$ 450/Month

Full Workshop
Food and Drinks Inculded
Access to Personal Growth Network

Book a Call for More Info.