Listen To The Way In Podcast

Our mission is to give you suggestions on how to better your lifestyle by workin from the inside out.

Free Guided Meditations Playlists

We’ve created these guided meditations playlists with relaxing tracks for you, to help you start your own journey of Silence.

This collection is created this way to encourage you to sustain your practice for a long time. Continuity is key.

They are designed simply to help you develop the habit of meditating and to get you started with the practice of awareness.

Not only are they an excellent starting point for beginners, but they are great for people who have already embarked on this journey! 

We hope you enjoy them.

Episode 002 - 5 minutes Guided Meditation

Episode 004 - 10 minutes Guided Meditation

Episode 006 - 10 minutes Guided Relaxation to sleep

Episode 008 - 8 Minutes Guided Relaxation for Clear Mind and Deep Sleep

Episode 009 - Writing Activity and Guided Meditation to Reset Before the Weekend

Episode 10 - Exercise to help You See Where You are at and Where You Want to go.

Episode 13 - 7 Minute Meditation to Clean Your Heart and Find Peace

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